Our Affiliations

Our Offshore workboat Services
Offshore Workboats can provide the following services:
- Multicat Hire
- Tugboats & Towage hire
- Workboat Hire
- Work Platforms
- Line Handling Vessels
- Safety Boat Hire
- Barge Hire
- Modular Barge Hire
- Dredging and Piling Operations
- Light Towage
- Crew / Stores Transfers
- Quayside and Harbour Maintenance
- Aids to Navigation
- Inshore Survey
- Quayside and Cranage
Services by Offshore WOrkboats
Offshore Workboats based at Bowling, River Clyde provided crew vessels and safety support for Ninian Central platform construction at Kishorn
Offshore Workboats provide all marine support for the Glasgow Garden Festival, arguably the largest event the city had ever seen.
Offshore Workboats move from Bowling to 'The Pudzeoch' in Renfrew.
Offshore Workboats provide support vessels and pontoon installations for the tall ships event in Greenock.
Offshore Workboats move from Renfrew to Rothesay Dock at Clydebank and set-up Clyde Boatyard as a new service to others and a marine base for our operations.
Offshore Workboats continue to provide a range of both leisure and commercial marine services to our growing customer base
About Us
Offshore Workboats Ltd is a Scottish based and long established supplier of Multicats, Workboats, Safety boats and barges throughout the UK
Based on the River Clyde at Clydebank near Glasgow we are strategically placed to comfortably serve the NW UK and Northern Ireland although customers requirements have seen us working throughout the UK
With origins in the 1970s OWL has been involved in countless marine projects, construction and civil engineering contracts within a broad scope of industry sectors and have carried through the decades a wealth of knowledge and understanding of the most complex problems the marine environment can present with.
OWL operate from Clyde Boatyard on the River Clyde